
Here you will find all sorts of things: tips and tricks, book reviews, stories of my adventures, client features, and so much more!

Why You Should Choose a Local Photographer Over a National Chain

I admit it. I used to be one of those people that went to a national chain to have my family's portraits taken. In this particular case (the photo on the left), it was Portrait Innovations, and my eldest son- Christopher- was two. This was two years before I picked up my camera, learned how to use it, and started creating portraits myself. The portrait on the right, I took myself earlier this evening. Oh, and Christopher is now six.

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General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw

Henry Estrada's Final Band Concert- Los Lunas, New Mexico

Henry Estrada has been the driving force behind the Los Lunas High School Tiger Band for the last 33 years. He has taught hundreds of students- including my husband and myself. He's given up time with his wife and three children, time with friends, and the pursuit of fishing in August to provide his students with the instruction that they needed to be the best that they could be. 

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Christmas at the Bradshaw House
Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw

Christmas at the Bradshaw House

Christmas is my favorite holiday- but, not for the reasons that you may think. I love that this is the time of year when people slow down, when work becomes less important and family takes the spotlight. I love that I get to give people gifts, making them happy- even if it is for a few brief moments. But, most importantly, I love the traditions that my family has developed over the years.

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Adventures, General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw Adventures, General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw

Road Trip to Denver

The last full weekend in July, Justin, the kiddos, and I hit the road with Justin's family for a weekend in Denver. We hit Hammond's Candy Factory, and the American Girl Store, but the main attraction was a full day at Water World- a water amusement park in Denver.

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Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw

I Thought I Could Handle It...

I thought I could handle it, but I ended up crying. You see, my oldest son, Christopher, started Kindergarten about a week ago. He'd been in Preschool for two years already, and I thought that I would be perfectly fine dropping him off on his first day of Kindergarten. I wasn't. I'm not ashamed to admit that I was crying.

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General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw

Why I Volunteer

I took the photo above of a couple of the girls in my Girl Scout troop last May. We were planting some bushes at Peralta Elementary School, where we met last year, as a service project to the school. Every time I see it, it reminds me so much of why I volunteer.

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General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw General, Personal Nicole Bradshaw

I Can't Wait for Spring!

As I sit here trying to think up something genius to write about, all I can think is, 'I can't wait for Spring!' The Winter weather is doing it's usual central New Mexico thing: it's overcast and dreary without any snow. It's just nasty enough that you don't want to be outside. 

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The Year in Review
Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw Personal, General Nicole Bradshaw

The Year in Review

When I first started my business six months ago (Wow! How did it go by so fast?!), one of my goals was to infuse as much of myself into my business as possible. I believe that when you hire a photographer, you don't just hire them for their skills behind the camera and computer, but for who they are. Your personalities have to mesh to have the best experience possible, so that you get the best photos possible.

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