I'm a Latter-Day Saint

When I do blog, Thursdays are the day of the week I usually reserve to write about whatever I feel like. I do this so that it forces me to let you get to know me a little bit better. However, there is a part of myself that I haven’t shared with y’all up to this point, most because I was scared. I don’t want to alienate anyone, because I want this community to be a safe space for all of us. But, with my faith continuing to grow, and my circle of close friends changing, I know I need to share this part of my life with y’all as well.

I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I didn’t grow up in this church; I joined it as an adult- just over ten years ago. A choice that I made of my own free will and with full knowledge of what I was doing. I don’t regret it for one minute, because that single choice- that single commitment- has been the biggest blessing of my life (second are my husband and children!).

When I joined the Church, the biggest factor for me was they had a legitimate answer to my question, “Why would God put people on this side of the planet, and then forget about them?” As a child, I learned in science and history classes about the Incas, Mayas, and Aztecs- all civilizations in Central and South America, as well as the Native American Tribes here in North America. Science and History both show us that there were indeed people here during Biblical times. No other church could answer that question, so when my husband (who did grow up in the Church) and my Mother-in-Law (who joined as an adult, herself) explained that the Book of Mormon was the testament of Jesus Christ in the Americas, I knew I’d found my answer. So, I joined.

As I’ve read the Book of Mormon and the Holy Bible, and gone to church every week, I’ve learned about my Heavenly Father, who loves me, no matter what. As a child, I was convinced that He would send me to Hell if I ever let so much as a cuss word slip! I’ve learned that I will be reunited with my family in the Spirit World- the place where our souls go before entering Heaven- and that we will all enter Heaven together. As a child I was scared I’d never find my family in Heaven. I’ve learned that the only sin I could commit that would banish me from living with my Heavenly Father for Eternity is to deny Him after knowing and seeing His love. And, I’ve learned that my time here on Earth is meant for me to learn and grow as much as possible- which is what I’m trying to do, every single day!

In joining the Church, I found so much more than a relationship with Heavenly Father. I found a community of friends- true friends! People that I have things and interests in common with. I’ve found support with challenges I’ve faced, like breaking up with my best friend and facing the fact that I have got to lose weight. I found friends who love my children just as much as I do, and a community that will help me to raise them into respectable, hard-working young men. I found a community that will grow with me as I age, as I learn, and as I grow as a person. I couldn’t ask for more.

On top of the massive blessings my friend are, I have been given so much more. I was blessed with the talent of photography that I use to serve both you as my clients, and my family by earning an income that helps us pay for groceries, our mortgage, and building our boys’ college funds. I’ve been blessed by being able to work from home, so that I can raise my boys at the same time and don’t have to choose between them very often. I’ve been blessed with a husband who values what I do to contribute to our family, and who is willing to pick up where I leave off when it comes to household and family responsibilities.

I could go on and on about the things and ways I’ve been blessed by my Heavenly Father. I could write further about what I’ve learned in my journey toward Him. And, I probably will do both of those things in many future blog posts. But for now, I want you to know that Heavenly Father and His son, Jesus Christ are a huge part of my life, and that if you ever have any questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I would be happy to answer them!


Rebecca Engle, and Family! An ABQ Uptown Family Portrait Session; Albuquerque, NM


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