Nicole Bradshaw Photography

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Happy Thanksgiving, Y’all!

As I sit here on the couch, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade with my family, I can’t help but think of all that I have been blessed with. I am beyond grateful that I have a wonderful family and amazing friends, but I also have a wonderful group of friendors (other wedding vendors turned friends), and incredible clients-turned-friends. Seriously, y’all, I have the most marvelous people in all areas of my life. 

Now, I know that sounds a little over the top, but let me explain. Relationships with people are one of the things that I value most in this world. Physical items are nice and- depending on the item- important, but they cannot replace the smile of your children, the comforting hug of mom, the laugh of your bestie, or the feeling of your spouce’s hand in yours. People are what is most important to me. 

So, this holiday season I want to wish you all the best times with your loved ones, because I know I’ll be having them with mine!