Where Your Dreams, Goals, and God's Purpose Collide

A new month, a new year, and a new decade. This is usually the time of year when we all sit down and evaluate our lives, set new goals, and begin new habits. But often, with in a few weeks- a few months at most- most of us have given up on those dreams and goals, and we’ve reverted to old habits. Oftentimes, it’s because we become too scared to keep going. Suddenly, those dreams seem too big, or too hard. Those goals take more time to accomplish than we thought they would. A challenge gets in the way, and we give up because it feels too hard to overcome- not that we couldn’t if we tried.

I’ve been there. I have been afraid to fail. Even weirder, I’ve been afraid to succeed. I’ve become riddled with doubt, thinking that this couldn’t possibly be God’s plan for my life because it’s simply too hard. I’ve missed opportunities because I didn’t feel ‘ready’. I’ve not taken chances because I’ve been scared of how others would judge me. And, most of the time, these things have come up as a result of running this business!

Recently, I finished reading the book that the quote above is from. In fact, the meme is one I created via this cool feature Kindle for iPhone has where you can highlight text and then export it as a meme straight from the app and ready to be posted online. Anyway, this quote struck a cord with me, and I hope it does with you too, because often, our deepest dreams- the things we REALLY want to do with our lives, the things we feel CALLED to do- are based upon the talents that our Heavenly Father has given us. They are jobs that Heavenly Father has called us to do, and they can only be done by us because we each have unique talents and skills that He’s blessed us with.

All too often, though, our dreams and goals never become realities because we’re too scared to take that first step. What if, instead of doubting ourselves, we took that opportunity to walk the path Heavenly Father has set out for each of us knowing that no matter what, He’s got our backs? That with His help and support we will learn every lesson needed, overcome every challenge set, and master every skill necessary along the way? Because, friend, I can tell you that that is exactly what happens when you get out of your own way and just start doing it. I cannot tell you the number of times I sabotaged myself because I got in my own way, rather than relying upon Heavenly Father to catch me when I fell- if I fell at all!

So, in this season of dreaming and goal-setting, let’s make it a goal to get out of our own way and to remember that Heavenly Father will catch us when we fall, so long as we’re trying to use the gifts and talents He’s given us to do the job He’s planted in our hearts.

What is it that you want to accomplish? What do you feel called to do? Leave a comment below!


Kimberly Woods, and Family- An Elena Gallegos Open Space Portrait Session


Why Look at the Camera?