Christmas and My Testament of Jesus Christ

Christmastime is- and has always been- a magical time of year for me. I love living in a small town that still decorates the streetlights for Christmas, as well as sponsors an annual twinkle light parade. Oh, and then there is the town-sponsored business decorating contest! And, almost every single year (there was that one year when I was pregnant with Andrew, but we won’t go there), we put up our own Christmas tree covered with Hallmark and assorted homemade ornaments. By the way, we’re fake tree people- I forget to water myself, let alone a tree! I also pull out the rest of the decorations, most of which I’ve reappropriated from my mom and grandma who have 40+ years worth of stuff to decorate with. Each piece often brings to mind sweet memories of Christmases past.

Although we celebrate Christmas with Santa Claus- who, since we don’t have a chimney, parks his sleigh and reindeer in the middle of our street and enters through the conveniently unlocked front door- we also know that Jesus Christ- our Lord and Savior- is the true reason for the season. Santa is a servant of Heavenly Father, who, wishing to reward good children who serve their Heavenly Father, brings presents to reward and encourage them for the next year.

Jesus Christ is the only true Son of God and Savior. Through His Atonement and Crucifixion, I will return to live with Him and Heavenly Father, and the rest of my family for all eternity. That’s easy to say, though. What isn’t so easy is to see Jesus’ and Heavenly Father’s love for me on a daily basis. It often takes time and- for me at least, becoming a parent- to truly begin to understand Their love for us.

A few years ago- and I don’t remember exactly what brought this realization on- I realized that my Heavenly Father loves me as any father loves his precious child. He wants me to learn and grow, facing challenges and trials to expand my world. But, not without help and guidance! He make sure to put the right people and resources in my life at the right moments. However, it’s MY job to look for them, listen to them, use them correctly, and learn from them. I have the choice to use the help He provides and the guidance He gives, just as any child here on Earth has from his or her earthly parents. And, I testify that when I DO look, listen, and follow, just as any child who chooses to behave for their parent, life is a LOT easier. I’m not walking through a dark room trying to find the door opposite the one I came in.

I have seen so many small, simple blessings on a daily basis when I do listen to my Heavenly Father. Examples include:

  • An increase in business when I finally read and followed the advice in a book a fellow photographer recommended I read.

  • Protection from harmful situations when I’m forced to make changes in my life before things went horribly wrong.

  • Safety when driving

  • Friends that check in during trying times

  • Family that love me despite myself

There are others, of course, but I won’t bore you by naming them all. But, I do want to leave you with this thought: I think- that for many of us- we have come to believe that blessings should in fact be the grandiose miracles we read about in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. You know, when Jesus fed a crowd of 5000 with a couple loaves of bread and a few fish, or when He healed all those injuries and maladies? Those are miracles, and they are completely uncommon. Blessings, on the other hand, are small everyday occurrences that Heavenly Father provides us all, just as we provide our children with the love and support they need.

So, on this Christmas Eve, what are some of the blessings you’ve received this year? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!


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