My Love/Hate Relationship with Running

First off, please forgive the iPhone selfie. Sometimes, the best camera is the one you have with you, and that was the one I had.

The above photo was taken shortly after I finished the 2015 Run for the Zoo Timed 5K on Sunday, May 3. I finished with a time of 51:09. It's not a great time, and I know I've done better, but my goal was to finish the course, which I did.

You see, I have this love/hate relationship with running. I love the way I feel after I finish a run, and I love the way my clothes fit when I do run regularly, but I HATE to get started on a run. 

Running doesn't come naturally to me. It's something that I have to work at. But, as with all things worth having, one has to work at- and for- them, and so I practice running. 

A year ago, I set a goal of running the 2014 Run for the Zoo Fun Run/Walk 5K. For those of you who aren't familiar with that distance, a 5K- or 5 Kilometers is 3.1 Miles and I've had friends that easily accomplish that distance in just over 15 minutes. I set this goal because it was something that I've always wanted to be able to do, and I needed a goal with a deadline to work toward. I accomplished that goal, but then I set another. I was gonna do it again this year.

This year, I ran in the timed event. It was the same course as last year- a beautifully quiet course around the back side of the Zoo, and through one of the oldest neighborhoods in Albuquerque, with beautiful homes and yards. 

As usual, getting started was hard. My body and I have this conversation that goes something like this:
Me: Okay, let's do this!
Body: No! I don't wanna!
Me: You can do this! You've done it before!
Body: So?! I don't wanna do it again!
Me: Too bad. You're gonna do it.
Body: Okay, fine! But, I'm not gonna like it!

After about a mile, we come to an agreement to keep going and finish the predetermined distance. 

I'm glad that I finished. I'm glad I wasn't the last one across the finish line. I'm glad that I met my goal once again, and I'm glad that I've set a much loftier goal: running the 10K (6.2 Miles) in the Duke City Marathon in October. And, I would like to invite all of you to come cheer me on.

Lastly, I want you to tell me what some of your goals are. I'd love to help cheer you on, and encourage you to keep going until you accomplish them.


The Pino Family- Los Lunas, New Mexico


Me and Mommy Mini Sessions- Hay's Honey Farm, Bosque Farms, NM